



WebClip & Amazon

Share an Amazon product in your live stream. 

PC iFrame Amazon
MOB iFrame Amazon
Amazon product mobile
Amazon product desktop
How to

Share an Amazon product

Embedding a product from Amazon can be done with a plugin like Iframely. Create an account in minutes and you are good to go.

Amazon share product step 1 1

1. Copy the url in the search bar.

Amazon share product step 2 1 scaled

1. Paste the product link into Iframely and click “Check it.”

Amazon share product step 3

3. Select “Make it a small card” and copy the data-iframely-url from the embed code. Add “https:” to the beginning of the link if it’s missing. Paste it in a WebClip interaction in the Livery CMS and you are done.

Recommended size:
Custom size (Width: 80%, Height: 30%)
Positioning: Vertical bottom, Horizontal center

Other popular webclip content

See the documentation on how to effectively use all the above content in a WebClip.

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