
in depth


versatile and powerful

Pull content into your livestream

WebClips lets you pull any content into your livestream. Simply drop the URL into the CMS to create your custom overlay — show a web shop, YouTube, Wikipedia, Excel, learning PDFs, and more. 

placement and time

Your content your way

WebClips are flexible. Pull up your content, decide how big you want it, and place it wherever you want within the frame.

PC iFrame presentation
MOB iFrame presentation

Example: Presentation jpg’s
Size: 100% x 100%
Placement Center x Center

MOB iFrame wiki aarde
PC iFrame wiki aarde

Example: Wikipedia
Size: 50% x 50%
Placement: Right x Bottom

PC iFrame PDF
MOB iFrame PDF

Example: PDF
Size: 40% x 100%
Placement: Left x Top

MOB Spotify alb
PC Spotify alb

Example: Spotify
Size: 80% x 30%
Placement: Center x Bottom

livery-recommended webclip sources

Tested and ready for you

WebClips are ready to take your livestreamed content to the next level. All you need to pull web-based content into your stream is a URL. Drop the link into the Livery CRM and your content will show up on screen for your audience to enjoy.

The following websites have been WebClips verified — they’re ready to use and embed into your live content.

Note: Some URLs have restrictions that prevent them from being embedded into an iframe-based WebClip, though tools like iframely can work around some of the restrictions.

popular webclip content
Approved and ready
Apple music
Amazon logo
Google docs
Google slides
Google forms
Instagram logo
Spotify logo
Sudoku logo 1
X logo
Wikipedia logo
YouTube logo

Learn how to use a WebClip:

You're in good company