
Teach better and more interactive

Live e-learning blueprint


Enrich your course with interactive livestream sessions that reconstruct the boundaries of blended learning. 

  • Bring your course to life with valuable and engaging learning tools
  • Educate, monitor, and test progress with ease
  • Teach groups of any size (from 10 to 100,000+)
  • Make learning more fun with interactivity, gamification, and entertainment 
  • Monitor progress in real-time on individual, group, and program levels
  • No travel time required
Live e-learning

Better learning in 3 steps

Teach, activate, engage & analyze with blended live sessions. 

Step 1. Teach & captivate

A qualitative and visually attractive learning session

T e a c h

Step 2. Activate & engage

Collect opinions and power discussions. Test knowledge and progress


Step 3. Data for learning

Instant results and advanced analytics: individual, group and class level

a n a l y z e

- The Livery Live Method -

“Live streaming for professionals is now easy and affordable”


Research shows that gamification increases the ability to learn new skills by 40% [source].  With Livery, you get access to a unique and proven range of interactions to gamify the learning process and engage your students (or teams) in the most effective learning experience possible.

Livery Live method
Script, storytelling & timeline:
how to get people learn better, faster

Convert your lesson into a virtual storyline that’s sure to capture their attention. You can use live feedback and results from students as a base for discussion (via polls, Q&A, or chat) or create a full-on trivia game show that teaches through play.

After each question, you can take a moment to explain correct answers, or answer questions. Once the session ends, you can analyze all data from the interactive elements on a personal or group level to prepare for the next lesson. 

E-learning Timeline

Check out our ‘Livery Live Method’ – a full blueprint about how to build a timeline that works (and so much more).

Versatile benefits

It's more than learning

Beyond the obvious, there are additional business goals a live e-learning strategy can support.

  • Make educational communication fun
  • Improve information retention
  • Collect high-quality learning data to improve your course over time
  • Stretch the boundaries of blended live learning
  • Customize your offerings through learning progression data
  • Gamify the learning progress
  • Retain students who are excited to come back for the next course
  • Eliminate travel time
  • Learn more with less effort

Make your own course

Check out some examples to inspire your own course design with Livery

From idea to execution

e-learning blueprint

Let’s walk through the simple steps and building blocks you’ll need to succeed.


Define a clear approach for your live e-learning course. 
In our blueprint, we focus on four strategies:


Strategy 1: Increase 'check-in' moments

Use ‘check-in moments’ to monitor progress & improve your course. For any online learning program without in-person sessions, it is important to check-in, connect, and engage on both individual and group levels. 


Strategy 2: ‘Gamification’

Use gamification to make learning stick: test knowledge, create competition, discuss results, share rankings and reward progress. 


Strategy 3: ‘Serious learning’

Convert large group lectures and massive auditorium sessions into two-way live interactive online sessions. Benefit from instant feedback from the group to power narration and anchor focus. 


Strategy 4: ‘Compliance’

In certification and compliance-based programs, these periodic group check-ins are used to measure attendance and results. 

You can find more information (including tech specs, content suggestions, and production recommendations) about each event strategy in the blueprint.


Learn more about the building blocks for qualitative live shopping:

1. Timeline

2. Interaction roles

Roles in the teaching process

3. Stream & engage

4. Video production

You can find more information (including tech specs, content suggestions, and production recommendations) about each event strategy in the blueprint.

Case studies

Livery live e-learning case studies.

Use case 1:

Voluntary training sessions in a consultancy company

A global acting consultancy firm tested the power of interactive e-learning for themselves. They chose Livery to bring their corporate training and communications to life for thousands of their employees around the globe in hopes of increased participation. How did it go?

Consultancy visual@1.5x e1677667836645

Use case 2:

SkyArx - Live education for doctors by pharmaceutical companies

A US consultancy firm gave digital engagement a try, using video delivery and immersive content creation for the healthcare and life sciences industry. See how it went in our blueprint:

SkyArx visual@1.5x e1677667688662

Use case 3:

Agfa - Service technician training

AGFA, a major developer, producer and distributor of both digital and analog imaging systems, uses Livery Video and Interactive to train their service technicians around the globe. 

agfa visual e1677667792198

Cost calculator

We know every production is different, which is why we include a custom business cost calculator. You can play with the numbers to fit your situation and goals so you can get a realistic feel for what your setup/one-time costs will look like:

Livery demo


Schedule a free demo

We offer a 20-minute live demo to experience Livery.
Select your preferred date or click here to get a good first impression.

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