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5 Live Shopping Trends for 2024

Live shopping events are about to take 2024 by storm. Click here to learn the five trends you’ll want to watch in this space this year.

The Power of Smart and Interactive Video: Your Ultimate 8-Step AI-Guide for a Successful First Livestream

In this article, we’ll show you how to unlock the power of smart and interactive video without a dedicated video production team, leveraging the tools designed to make this process simple and affordable. Let’s dive in.

Unveiling the Insights: Navigating Marketing Trends with Nielsen's 2023 Report

Nielsen released its 2023 Annual Marketing Report, and it offers tremendous insight into where many marketing teams’ heads are today. This article will break down the Nielsen report and discuss its implications in the coming year.

Unlocking Success: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Live Stream Broadcasting Software for Business

What is the best streaming service for a business? The broadcast software designed for you – not average social media users. Click here to learn more.

How to run an interactive live event: a step-by-step guide for your first livestream

Connecting over live content is nothing new. Radio, then television programs harnessed the excitement of gathering together to experience something in real time for the last century. Today, however, these programs no longer have a monopoly over live content. We now have more ways to connect and sources of entertainment than ever before. Here’s how to make the most of them for your business and customers in 2024.

Why L&D managers should give interactive live sessions a try

The power of interactive live sessions have been proven time after time during the last years. Implementing this kind of hybrid learning and development (L&D) grid with interactive live sessions offers huge advantages for both employees within a large organization and the company itself.

How to implement a modern structured hybrid L&D program in a learning-in-the-flow-of-work (LIFOW) style

Learning and development (L&D) are staples of personal and professional growth. As the breadth of possibility continues to swell with new sectors (like AI), the realm of what’s possible, and keeping your workforce up to date, is both ever more challenging and essential.

5 Ways LIFOW live microlearning takes your hybrid learning & development program (L&D) to the next level

Today’s employers need to be organized for constant workforce upskilling and reskilling to respond to the fundamental changes coming down the pipeline. How? Make sure that “learning in the flow of work” (LIFOW) is one of your priorities. Putting modernized hybrid L&D infrastructure and strategies in place helps towards increased adoption, improved retention, and a more resilient workforce. 

Unlocking the Power of Shoppable Video: Best Practices from the Gaming and Entertainment Industry

With conversion rates up to 10x higher than e-commerce alone, the power of a shoppable video strategy should not be overlooked. But what exactly makes shoppable video such a powerful tool, and more importantly, how can it benefit your specific business?

KO GROUPE CASE: Radio Canada's TV Format

Get ready for an electrifying showdown where four legendary musicians from different generations take center stage in a massive arena. An audience of 100 judges, divided into four groups representing Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X, and Boomers, will determine who will come out on top. 

5 Myths of online video costs

Livestreaming is no longer expensive, tricky, or technical. If you still feel hesitant about going live, let’s bust some common myths that may be holding you back. Gain a better understanding of the streaming industry, build confidence in your ability to choose the right streaming solution to fit your needs, and be ready to stream through your website or app in no time.

The advantages of CMAF compared to WebRTC

High-quality synced video and audio, low costs and superior scalability – these are major advantages of a ULL-CMAF based streaming solution compared to WebRTC streaming solutions. Where WebRTC is a great base technology to achieve the lowest possible latency for solutions like flash trading and video conferencing, it isn’t for many other cases.

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