

The Big Save - [910]

Scherm­afbeelding 2023 06 27 om 14.41.22

The Big Save is a format wherein everybody saves using the power of the collective.

Finding the best utility provider for energy has never been this easy. The Big Save makes switching transparent and worth it and everybody wins.


Finding the best utility provider for energy has never been this easy. The Big Save makes switching transparent and worth it in using the power of the collective.

An experts panel guides the participants. After a series of questions and decision moments using the interactive layer, each participant is presented with an individual advice: the cheapest, the most valued and the most durable, including the annual savings on individual levels. The participants make their choice generating a cumulative and collective national savings overview. That will fuel controversy and debate.

The Big Save is a fully integrated live, interactive and infotainment format to take care of a tedious job on a national level: shop and switch. It is a format wherein everybody wins! And everybody Saves!

THE BIG SAVE is a series of episodes, each with a focus on a different theme; e.g. energy, insurance, solar power, connectivity, health.


  • eCommerce: sales of  subscription services and goods
  • Connect to brands and advertisers: sponsored content and advertising
  • Profile data and lead generation: access to ecom, interactive and community features generating rich user profiles with knowledge level, opinion, personal preference and home situation data

Example calculation

50.000 users: 40% leads is 20.000 and 6% direct sales is 1.200 

Leads: 20.000 x €10 fee per lead = €200.000

Direct sales: 1200 x  €100 per customer = €120.000

Sponsored content: 50.000 x €2 per user = €100.000

Price indication Livery

€ 6288 monthly based on 4 sessions with 50.000 users

= € 1570 per session

Settings & configuration

FormatThe Big Safe
ContentConsumer Interest and Saving
Type:Scipted interaction
Duration60-90 minutes

StreamPremium video: 1080; – 25 fps – 3.0 mbps
Ultra-low latency
Coreountdown, poll, estimation poll, Tricia, vote, rating, sentiment
CommerceDiscovery, configuration, purchase, product rating, clickable annoucement
CommunityQ&A (moderated), chat

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