

Planet Trivia: pay to win subscription game - [351]

Scherm­afbeelding 2023 06 27 om 14.42.18

Bringing premium live-video quizzes to the largest possible audience.

Planet Trivia is a premium subscription based live interactive trivia elimination game show for mobile and desktops where all players are battling each other for serious monetary prizes and where viewers are players and vice versa; with the power to easily attract large audiences worldwide.


Planet Trivia is a  premium subscription based live interactive trivia elimination game show for mobile and desktops where all players are battling each other for serious monetary prizes (>€10K) and where viewers are players and vice versa; with the power to easily attract large audiences worldwide.

Answer 12 simple trivia questions correctly and you move on to the next round. The answering time is limited, so the users have to act quickly when choosing the right option. If they select the wrong answer or if the time is over, they will be eliminated. Or it will cost them a LIFE which can be purchased in the PLanet Trivia store.

Players who answer all the questions correctly either win the grand prize completely or or have to split it with the other winners.

The 10-15 minute live-quiz is the ideal way to set-up and facilitate a successful premium subscription product and attract, entertain, and engage tens of thousands of people simultaneously in a playful, informative and entertaining manner.

The subscription model is based on a recurring fee of €2 per game and this gives access to the game, the community features, full prize money and Planet Trivia Store discounts for lives and other game and fun items and merchandise.


  • Premium subscription: users with a premium subscription get access to game sessions: 1 session per day on weekdays
  • Registration activation: access to interactive, gamification and community features generating rich user profiles with knowledge level, opinion and personal preference data
  • Connect to brands and advertisers: sponsored content and host advertising

Example calculation

20.000 users: 90% subscription is 18.000, 90% registrations is 18.000 

Subscription value: 18.000 x €2 value per user = €36.000 per session / €180.000 per week

Registration value: 18.000 x €5 fee per user = €90.000

Sponsored content: €1 per user = €20.000

Price indication Livery

€ 6131 monthly based on 21 sessions with 20.000 users

= € 292 per session

Settings & configuration

FormatPlanet Trivia: pay to win subscription game
ContentTrivia Quiz Competition
Type:Scipted interaction
DurationWeekdays; 10 – 15 minutes

StreamPremium video: 1080; – 25 fps – 3.0 mbps
Ultra-low latency
Coreountdown, poll, estimation poll, Tricia, vote, rating, sentiment
GamificationPrediction, estimation, quiz game, leaderboard
CommunityQ&A (moderated), chat

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