
using AI for Production

AI-Toolbox: The best tools & best practices to make AI work for you

Welcome to the future of smart and interactive video production! Our free AI-Toolbox makes it easy.


Livery AI-Toolbox

The most successful smart and interactive (live) video productions of the future will be those where AI tools are combined with video innovation, revolutionizing production, content creation and distribution.

We selected AI prompts and tips to speed up your video productions, boost quality and efficiency and slash costs. Use it to your advantage; it’s your secret sauce to being more, doing more, and blowing your customers’ minds.

filter on solution
Game show & trivia
Live E-learning
Live shopping
Live streaming
filter on tool
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
filter on output
Script for a quiz
filter on interactive element
Estimation poll
Multiple choice question
Poll / vote
Product rating
Trivia / quiz

All prompts

filter on solution

Game show & trivia
Live E-learning
Live shopping
Live streaming

filter on tool

Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot

filter on output

Script for a quiz

filter on interactive element

Estimation poll
Multiple choice question
Poll / vote
Product rating
Trivia / quiz

Multiple choice

Multiple choice question
Game show & trivia
Live E-learning
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters, Number of choices
Can you write [number] [question type: multiple choice questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters] characters? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. Each choice starts with a Capital and has a maximum of [maximum characters] and needs to start with a lowercase alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis. Add background information to the correct answers.

Product rating

Product rating
Game show & trivia
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Can you give me a 5 star rating question about [product]?

Learning discussion / Q&A topics

Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of topics, Lesson title, Lesson description
ChatGPT, I’d like to create [number] discussion opics for each lesson in my course. Here are the lesson titles and their brief descriptions: Lesson Title: [Lesson Title 1], Lesson Description: [Lesson Description 1], Lesson Title: [Lesson Title 2], Lesson Description: [Lesson Description 2], Can you help generate [numer] engaging discussion topics for each lesson?

Trivia multiple choice news and actualities

Trivia / quiz
Chat GPT
Microsoft co-pilot
number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Date range / time frame, Maximum characters, Number of choices
Can you write [number] [question type: multiple choice questions] for [audience] about [topic] and [date range / time frame] with a maximum of [maximum characters]? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. Each choice starts with a Capital and has a maximum of [maximum characters] and needs to start with a lowercase alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis. The correct choice is designated with an asterisk. Add background information to the correct answers. Make sure the questions are about things that happened within the [date range]. Do not make up fake questions or answers.

Learning course ideas based on video and blog article content

Script for a quiz
Live E-learning
Chat GPT
Microsoft co-pilot
Blog title, Blog description, Video title, Video description
“Convert the following videos and blog articles and their descriptions into an outline for an online course, including a title, description and learning objectives: [Blog title 1] – [Description 1] [Blog title 2] – [Description 2] [Video title 1] – [Description 1] [Video title 2] – [Description 2]”

Learning course ideas based on ebook content

Script for a quiz
Live E-learning
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Ebook title, Ebook description, Learning objectives, Ebook chapter(s) Chapter description
Create a course outline based on the following eBook: [ebook title]. Ebook Description: [description] Learning Objectives and key takeaways: [learning objectives & key takeaways] Ebook Chapters: [Chapter 1 – description] [Chapter 2 – description] Use the chapter names and summaries for each chapter to create individual lessons. Provide a brief description of each lesson. Including the learning objectives. Include Interactive activities and group discussions.

Trivia multiple choice true / false

Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters, Number of choices
Can you write [number] [true / false questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters]? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. The correct choice is designated with an asterisk. Add background information to the answers.

Learning quiz content

Trivia / quiz
Live E-learning
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Session title, Key learning points covered in session, Key learning outcomes, Number of questions, Question type, Maximum characters, Number of choices
“ChatGPT, I need your help in creating a set of [number] multiple-choice trivia quiz questions based on the following session in my micro learning programme: Session Title: [Session Title] Key learning points covered: [key learning points covered in session] Key learning outcomes needed: [key learning outcomes] Can you write [number] [question type: multiple choice questions]to test learners’ understanding of the key learning points? With a maximum of [maximum characters]? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. Each choice starts with a Capital and has a maximum of [maximum characters] and needs to start with a lowercase alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis. The correct choice is designated with an asterisk. Add background information to the correct answers. Alternative prompt feedback: Can you provide feedback on why the incorrect items are incorrect?”

Learning course ideas based on video content

Live E-learning
Chat GPT
Microsoft co-pilot
Video title, Video description
“Convert the following YouTube videos and their descriptions into an idea for an online course, including a title, description, learning objectives, and an outline: [Video title 1] – [Description 1] [Video title 2] – [Description 2]”

Sponsored content Promotion

Script for a quiz
Live streaming
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Brand name, Product details, Product benefits, Target audience
ChatGPT, I have a sponsorship deal with [brand name] to promote their [product details]. The main benefits of the product are [main benefits]. Can you help me create an engaging script of 250 word presentation that would appeal to [target audience]?

Script / content localization

Script for a quiz
Chat GPT
Microsoft co-pilot
Language, Target region, Culture, Script content
“Provide suggestions for localizing the following script content for [language / target region / culture]: [script content]. Please translate this script into [language]. Here is the transcript: [script content]”

Q&A sessions input

Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
User question, Area of expertise, Desired response outcome
ChatGPT, during our interactive live Q&A session, a viewer asked [User Question] which falls under my area of expertise in [Area of Expertise]. I want to provide a response that is [desired response outcome]. Can you help me craft my answer?

Topic brainstorm

Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Company / organization (when applicable), Topic, niche or area of interest, Target audience, Desired outcomes (e.g. interaction, quiz, awareness, sales)
ChatGPT, I am a video director [for company / organization] and I need some fresh ideas for my upcoming live video streaming series on [topic, niche or area of interest]. My target audience is [target audience], and my aim is to [desired outcomes]. Can you help me brainstorm some topics?

Quiz script proposal

Trivia / quiz
Script for a quiz
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Brand name, Product specifications
Draft a proposal for a sponsored quiz script featuring [Brand Name; e.g. Marcel’s green soap]’s new line of [product specifications,] products.

Creating script

Script for a quiz
Live streaming
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Content bullet points (content, questions, etc.), Target perspective, Target audience
“Write a script/outline introduction based on the bullet points / content below. [bullet points / content] Can you write a script/outline from the perspective of [target perspective]. Use storytelling to bring it together in an engaging way. Start with a question instead of a standard intro, creating a hook and building out context before jumping into the main content. Can you [simplify/exemplify/rewrite/shorten] the intro of the script to make it easily understandable to [target audience]?”

Star rating

Live streaming
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic.
Can you provide [number] [question type: 5-star rating scales] for [audience] for evaluating [topic]?

Poll estimation

Estimation poll
Live streaming
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic.
Can you write [number] [question type: estimation poll questions] for [audience] about [topic] and where the answer is a unique number and opinion based?

Trivia estimation

Game show & trivia
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters.
Can you write [number] [question type: estimation questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters] characters and where the correct answer is a unique number? Add background information to the correct answer.

Prediction multiple choice

Game show & trivia
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters, Number of choices.
Can you write [number] [question type: multiple choice prediction questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters] characters and where the correct answer choice lies in the future? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. Each choice starts with a Capital and has a maximum of [maximum characters] and needs to start with a lowercase alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis. Add background information to the correct answers.

Poll multiple choice

Poll / vote
Live streaming
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters, Number of choices.
Can you write [number] [multiple choice poll questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters] characters where the answers are opinions? Please create all poll questions using the following format. Each choice has a maximum of [maximum characters] characters and needs to start with a lower case alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis.

Trivia multiple choice

Trivia / quiz
Game show & trivia
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Number of interactions, Question type, Audience, Topic, Maximum characters, Number of choices.
Can you write [number] [question type: multiple choice questions] for [audience] about [topic] with a maximum of [maximum characters]? Please create all quiz questions using the following format. Each choice starts with a Capital and has a maximum of [maximum characters] and needs to start with a lowercase alphabet, [number of choices: a, b, c, d], with a close parenthesis. The correct choice is designated with an asterisk. Add background information to the correct answers. Alternative prompt feedback: Can you provide feedback on why the incorrect items are incorrect?

Announcement pre-show

Live streaming
Chat GPT
Microsoft co-pilot
Production information, Goals, Target audience, Theme / Main message.
Can you suggest a tagline of 50 words for our new [production] that resonates with our [target audience] and aligns with our [goals] and [theme]? The first line of your tagline makes people stop what they were doing, using copywriting psychological tricks and making them read further. The hook isn’t a question, but a direct controversial or out-of-the-box sentence to catch people’s attention.

Social media post

Live shopping
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Type of content (e.g. image, video, blog post), Key message, Target audience.
ChatGPT, I am a fashion ecommerce platform planning to post a [type of content, e.g. promotional video] about my next live online shopping event. The key message is [key message, e.g. mark next Sunday in your calendar for exclusive discounts]. Can you help me draft an engaging caption that would resonate with my [target audience]?

Shoppable video events calendar

Live shopping
Chat GPT
Google Gemini
Microsoft co-pilot
Type of content, Type of product, The period.
“ChatGPT, I want to create an ecommerce holiday calendar for my shop in  [Type of content, e.g womens fashion]. The upcoming year has these specific products: [e.g. new ski clothing product line, collection of recycled jeans]. Can you help me generate a calendar for the coming [Period, e.g. next year]?”